We work with clients and job candidates to find the best team and 'culture' fit based on client's technical and soft skills needs. The central objective of our behavioral interview is to discover a candidate’s "core motivators." Motivators are deeply held beliefs and values that powerfully shape decision-making and work behaviors. Knowing the core motivators of your corporate team will help to improve your decision making, conflict management, emotional intelligence, and selection of additional team members. Discovering core motivators in an interview setting is generally facilitated by two key factors:
(1) Getting the interviewee 'off script'—asking questions that they did not anticipate and to which they are unlikely to have a rehearsed answer.
(2) Looking for patterns and themes in decision-making—what do they continue to come back to when they are describing past behavior, ideal environments, and aspirations?
Our behavioral interview approach also helps to determine, among other things, a candidate’s level of self-awareness, emotional intelligence, and whether they have developed a growth mindset. Not surprisingly, you cannot easily ask a person whether they have self-awareness, emotional intelligence, or a growth mindset and get a straightforward answer. Instead, our interview approach allows us to estimate these qualities as we analyze the candidate’s decisions and responses to scenarios. We do not stick to a fixed, standardized script, but rather adapt our questioning as the interview evolves to focus in on key motivators and behaviors.
Finally, our approach is tailored to the client company’s needs. We often customize the interview questioning to assess whether the candidate would be an ideal corporate culture fit, focusing on the candidate’s leadership competencies, fit within a particular team at the company, and soft skills. In the vast majority of cases, candidates feel that they have learned something about themselves when the interview is concluded, having delved deep into past and current patterns of decisions and behaviors—a process that benefits all parties.
